Past Events

The LGBTQ+ Culture Center hosts lots of different types of events each semester. Check out some highlights from past semesters on this page!

Watch recordings of INTERSECTIONS, the Public Training Series, and the podcast!

Explore our Training Resources by Topic

Queer Prom

What could be better than prom? Queer Prom! That's right: the LGBTQ+ Culture Center and the Queer Student Union teamed up to host IU's very first Queer Prom, dedicated to providing that special prom experience to anyone and everyone in the IUB community, but especially anyone who might not have had a chance to enjoy this milestone occasion in high school. Anyone is welcome to attend, whether you're a member of the rainbow community or an ally, a waltzer or a breakdancer, a wallflower or a prom queen. So don your favorite frock, slip on your dancing shoes, and adjust your crown: it's prom season, and we're celebrating YOU!

Apr 8th 2023, 7-10pm | Maxwell Hall, Cook Center, Grand Hall

Queering Wellness

Over the course of the 2022-2023 academic year, and in an effort to encourage students to reconnect with themselves and with wellness resources, the LGBTQ+ Culture Center hosted a wellness series. Topics included physical health, mental wellness, and sexual health, among others.

Queer Arts Showcase

Join the LGBTQ+ Culture Center in celebrating queer artists with our inaugural Queer Arts Showcase! Visit the IMU Frangipani Room on March 22 and 23 to see the gallery and learn how you can support the artists! This showcase features over 40 pieces of unique art (visual and written) and 30+ queer artists.

March 22nd & 23rd, 2023 | IMU Frangipani Room

Queers of Color Speaking Out

The Queer of Color Alliance and the LGBTQ+ Culture Center are partnering on “Queers of Color Speaking Out” – a panel of queer of color identifying professionals and faculty at IU sharing their experiences of being queer in their professional lives. It is an opportunity for the audience to hear their stories, tips for success, and the challenges they face in living and working as a queer of color individual at a predominantly white institution.

Apr 18th 2023, 6:00 - 7:30pm | Neal Marshall Black Culture Center, Bridgewater Lounge

Stephanie Allen, PhD – Assistant Professor of Gender Studies
João Marinotti, JD – Associate Professor of Law
Jen Berry, MA – Assistant Director & Lead Academic Advisor, 21st Century Scholars
Christopher Mendez – PhD Candidate – English
Bruce E. Smail, MA – Director, LGBTQ+ Culture Center/Special Assistant to the VP for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Candid Conversations: HIV & the Black Community 

HIV/AIDS has a disproportionate impact in the Black Community. Whether you look at Black heterosexual men, heterosexual women, MSM or trans --- the numbers are disproportionate to other communities. What are the numbers? Why is this the case? What can we do as a community? What’s the latest in HIV prevention? Bruce E. Smail, Director-LGBTQ+ Culture Center/Special Assistant to the Vice President for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, will lead this discussion and offer recommendations from his experience leading HIV/AIDS organizations.

Feb 27th 2023, 6:00-7:30pm | Cook Center, Grand Hall, inside Maxwell Hall

Black History Month 2022 Panel

This panel of  IUB students discussed the significance and highlights of Black History Month, and the intersecting layers between Black and queer identities. 

2/24/22, 6:00 pm, via Zoom

Watch the recording here

Gabby Rivera: National Latinx /Hispanic Heritage Month & LGBTQ+ History Month Keynote Speaker

GABBY RIVERA is an outgoing, outspoken creator invested in fostering better dialogue, inspiring radical creativity, and improving our most vulnerable communities. The author of Juliet Takes a Breath, they're also the writer of the Marvel series America—featuring the first queer, Latinx teen-girl superhero, ever. It’s catching headlines from The New York Times, Vogue, and beyond: and Marvel Studios and Disney+ just announced a new show based on the series.

Now, in this affecting talk, Rivera unpacks how they navigate the world as a queer, Latinx, millennial; how they incorporate their heritage into their writing; how they strive to be a thoughtful ally for others, and how they celebrate the healing power of community. 

10/13/21, 7:00pm, at the IU Memorial Union Whittenberger Auditorium.

Co-sponsored by the Hutton Honors College, La Casa/Latino Cultural Center, Latino Studies Program, LGBTQ+ Culture Center, IU Media School, and The Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Bruce Smail: Why HIV Matters on a College Campus

10/20/21; 6:30pm

Even though HIV has a direct impact on college students, most colleges are doing very little to provide education, prevention, and care. Join Bruce Smail, Interim LGBTQ+ Culture Center Director and Special Assistant to the Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, as he explores why, and gives recommendations for colleges and universities on what they can do to improve.

Doug Bauder: The Privilege of Being Queer

10/27/21; 6:30pm

Share an evening with the LGBTQ+ Culture Center’s first director, Doug Bauder, as he shares highlights of his new book, The Privilege of Being Queer.